de Glossar
New CEO for Sigrist-Photometer

The Board of Directors of Sigrist-Photometer AG has appointed Mr. Urs Imholz as the new CEO. He will take over the operational management from his predecessor Markus Stolz in the role of Managing Director.

Urs Imholz was a member of the GWF management team for 14 years. Alois Amstutz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sigrist, explains the choice as follows: "Urs Imholz has entrepreneurial flair, extensive specialist and market knowledge and an authentic management style. He will continue to develop Sigrist-Photometer in the long term." Urs Imholz will join Sigrist at the beginning of 2024.

At the same time, the Board of Directors would like to express its thanks and appreciation to Markus Stolz for his work for Sigrist over the past four years. Markus Stolz has led Sigrist through a modernization process and strategically realigned the company. He is leaving the company at his own request. The Board of Directors wishes him all the best for his personal and professional future.

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